Day 1

I went skiing today, and I have a nasty bruise to

show for it.  The skiing itself wasn’t a problem–

real bunny hills–but getting to the escalator was

life-threatening.  The snow was artificial, of

course, and covered an assortment of foam

slabs, cement blocks, and wooden platforms.

While walking along, you would step off a solid

object (which you couldn’t see) and sink to your

knees.  Some of the tiny Chinese were nearly

buried.  I fell onto the corner of a cement cube,

which hurt like heck.  The others there (all

young) were surprised, however, to see that

I could ski.  I even helped them figure out the

tow rope to go to the top hill.

At the bottom of the hill was a large tree tree, lit

up like a Christmas tree.  Pretty fun.

And speaking of Christmas, young people wear

Tshirts will the strangest sayings on them.  Yes-

terday I saw a boy with a shirt that said,

“Christmas is for fruitcakes.”

It’s hot here, but yesterday had a nice breeze.

I have the beginnings of a great suntan!

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