I’m unclear on this…if you can access the internet to post a blog on the website, you presumably also have access to email.  From my perspective, the blog works nicely for a daily journal post (bear in mind you are posting this for the entire world to see).  On the other hand, a quick response by email to individuals will help rest their mind at ease, and is good for private individual correspondence.

Gage: please email your mom and ME today, it would also be nice to set up a time to Skype (Gavin has been asking where you are, and wants to Skype).  It doesn’t make sense to make Lori login and post a blog to communicate.  I’m also unclear on the text capability issue.  Mom: you’ve been sent texts by Lori and me to check in.  Did you receive any of these?  Are you saying you can’t text back?

I’m glad you did Tai Chi and went to the Buddhist temple, then balanced that with some pepperoni pizza.  A perfect balance of East meets West (Yin & Yang).  Gage, you should try to find a book entitled the Tao of Pooh-I can’t remember the author, but I read it when I was your age and it had a profound effect on me.

Be safe.


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