Days er, san

DSCN1365DSCN1379Not our best day.

First, let me remind you all that we can communicate only in the following way:  You can text me, not Gage.  I will try to answer all concerns via this blog, not by return text.  I can’t access emails, on my laptop or my android.  Gage has been invited to blog, but so far hasn’t availed himself of the opportunity.  And, Johnny, it’s …”check in with your mom and me, not I.   (You can’t be going off to the U of O without understanding this grammar rule.)

Yesterday, day er, we did Tai Chi in the park with the senior citizens.  Gage was a good sport, and I’ve got some great shots of his performance to prove it.  We were tired, so hung around pretty close to campus most of the day, watching a soccer game, etc.  Held off going to bed until normal bedtime.  Then Bai Wei telephoned me from Utah  and woke me from a sound sleep.  Didn’t sleep the rest of the night. 

Today, day san, we took a very long taxi ride to find Church services, but we never found the meeting place.  Disappointing for me.  We went to the Jade Buddha Temple instead, which Gage really enjoyed.  Then we  headed for the Portman Center for a good American Easter meal, but the restaurant had closed.  We ended up eating pepperoni pizza for our Easter meal.  Walked to People’s Park, then took the subway home.

Tomorrow I start teaching.  If the money hasn’t been wired to SLCC, it could be my first and last day.  I leave from this campus at 6:45 a.m. for a 1-hour bus trip to another campus, teach 4 hours to the same class,  then ride home for another hour.  That schedule is unheard of for Chinese teachers–some only teach 4 hours in a whole week.  Gage will sleep in, then do homework until I arrive home.  He’s doing fine, but his back has been bothering him.

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