Ugly Americans

On a scale of 1 to 10, yesterday was a minus 3. I got sick before we left with a sinus thing, and I’ve never felt so hammered by jetlag. Because it’s graduation weekend at Cambridge, all the hotels were booked, and we’re staying out of town at a truck stop! The roundtrip taxi fare into town is more expensive than the hotel room. Our handicapped-accessible bathroom is outfitted with only lukewarm water, and the air conditioning is broken. The crowning blow was that I left my purse in the “restaurant” last night and didn’t discover its absence until 5:30 this morning.

But here’s the good news: John just showed up with my purse, passport included. And the REALLY GOOD NEWS is that Ben and Chelsea are having a little daughter! So I’m going to put my game face on, count my blessings, and try to enjoy this place.

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