Star-watching in Ghent.

Today after I watched John’s presentation, I went to the lobby to wait for the session to end. I sat down, back-to-back with a guy being interviewed. I realized that it was Andy Garcia, and that no one else seemed to be aware of it. He’s here for the film festival, and everyone’s staying in our hotel. Kevin Costner was here, but left about the time we arrived. I hung around Andy, eavesdropping on his interview. Then, because he was waiting for someone, he played a little on the lobby piano. By now I had snapped several pictures and alerted everyone else. I’ve run into him twice since then–it’s kinda fun. Clark even said “Hi” to him, but he got no response.

Speaking of the film festival, I watched a screening yesterday that disturbed me so much that I couldn’t sleep at all last night. In fact, I couldn’t even take a taxi back to the hotel because I was too distraught. I walked from the suburbs back to the city, crying all the way. It was a true story about stoning a woman in Iran, and it will haunt me for a long time to come. I am sickened by the inhumanity portrayed by the film. It hadn’t been a film I would have chosen, but it was the only one available in the short space of time I had.

The Belgium part of the trip is ending. To recap, we had a reception in a castle, dinner last night in a monastery, and lunch today in a restored factory. They’re written up in guide books. Fancy meals are usually wasted on us, though. We’ve been served raw beef and raw fish, and spent interminable hours between courses. Clark just wanted to find a bratwurst stand and a grocery store.

Tomorrow we set out for France, with no clear plan and no hotel reservations for tomorrow night. I haven’t given up on
my wish to visit Guernsey island enroute to our next destination, Nantes. We’ll see how it goes…


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