Catching up; winding down

Where to start?

Last night we attended a George Bernard Shaw celebration sponsored by the Foreign Language College. I can’t possibly describe it–you’ll just have to imagine “Pygmalion” performed by Chinese actors speaking English with both Cockney and high British accents. It was amazing!

This morning I arrived on campus early to give the final test, and I found students outside the library door, ironing their clothes. They were taking them off a clothesline, and had the ironing board set up on the sidewalk. Inside the library, there was a group of girls doing makeovers on each other.

I was relieved that for the final I was assigned a “TA” bouncer to keep the students from cheating. This is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone in administration call it like it is. It was so quiet in the classroom that you could hear a pin drop. I haven’t graded all the papers yet, but it looks pretty much like I expected–a full range of scores.

This afternoon, to celebrate the end of our term, Andrea and I got massages at the TrueMart (Walmart) department store. I have never been hurt so badly by such a tiny person. It will be interesting to see how I sleep tonight; I’m just now getting adjusted to this time frame.

Tomorrow’s my last day. I’ve turned down offers from students and an old friend from the Branch so that I can finish grades, then just wander around and take final snapshots. On the technical level, I’ve successfully kept all my electronic toys charged and fully operable!

If I could just video the “aerobic” guy in the park for Adam, I’d finish on a real high note. I’ve been back several times, but never seen him again.

I’m looking forward to squeezing my grandkids…

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