She’s OK.

To all who read this blog and are worried about my dear little mother…
She’s fine, she just can’t access the blog anymore to post content.
Says she thinks the government is blocking it.

Hmmmm. Maybe those kids weren’t really just PLAYING army (see two posts ago).

Anyway, she’s fine – stop worrying. You can contact her at
(Mom, you’re welcome for the spam…)



If you’re having trouble accessing your Gmail account, please use the Yahoo account we set up last time you were in China (for the same reason).  You mentioned you thought we disabled it, but we didn’t – I just checked, and it is functioning correctly.  You can login at  Your username is caroleinglish(  Your password is the standard one you always use (please don’t post it here).

Also, when you log into the back-end to update the blog, you’ll see a list of comments on your various posts.  You can approve, reply to,  ignore or delete them – but please read them (and let the author know that you have), as that is the only way some have been able to try and communicate with you.


If you will set up your own Yahoo account, and then use it to email me (so I have the address, and know it works), I’ll set up your email to forward there.


You’ve noticed that you can comment on Mom’s blog posts.  That’s the best way for everyone to communicate via the blog – in the running comment section, not as individual posts.

Everyone else,

All of Mom’s email (since before she left) has been getting forwarded to her Yahoo account.  So, never fear, once she logs into that account, she will get your emails and hopefully be able to respond to them.  It seems there is a problem accessing Google services (ie Gmail) from China.

Let me know when everyone is communicating, and I’ll remove all of these (non-blog) blog posts.

Viva China!!  Hop Sing!  Colonel Tsao!


New baby, new theme.

Kristy didn’t like the other look, so I though I’d try this one.

Hello World!
Hello World!

Blondie surprised us this morning with a new baby filly (well, not really a surprise, considering all the trouble we went to to get her pregnant).

Sumptions, if you’re reading this, she is a full sister to Tilly.  She was born sometime between 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM.  I’m thinking closer to 4:00, because Blondie was looking like she was “getting ready” when I went to bed.

She seems very healthy and is very friendly to people (so far).

As you can see in the background, Rose is due within the next few weeks.


If you’ll stop entering hard returns in your blog posts, they’ll fill up the presentation area more appropriately (like this post), instead of being all “long and skinny” (like yours).  Make your blog entries as if you were typing in a word processor, not a typewriter.

I know I could have given you this instruction privately, but it was more fun to tease you publicly.  My little payback for that fact that, because of you, I go through life cringing at grammatical errors and improperly placed apostrophe’s (<- like that one, which I’m going to do for the rest of this post…  and did you like the sentence fragment?).

Oh, and remember that ‘Shift-Enter’ get’s you a new line, while ‘Enter’ by itself create’s a new paragraph.

I hope your friend’s are reading this…




Andrea’s email address is: xxxxxx (sorry to Andrea for making her email address available to the whole world – just forward all the junk mail to Mom’s account).

I’m not sure why you’re having trouble logging into your email account (I’m able to log into it just fine).  It’s a Gmail account.  Should be good the world over (unless the Chinese have some beef with Google).  Anyway, are you using the link to the right of this post (the one that says ‘Webmail Login’)?

Try this link:

Sorry I didn’t respond sooner.  I’ve been in the air all day.


Oh, and hello to the rest of the world who’s watching us use our blog like an email account…

Inglish Clans

Guys, I’ve set up a blog post category for each sibling clan.  Here you can add posts to share the latest news in your respective families.  I’ve currently given Laurie, Jill, Kristy and Ben login rights for doing so.  Give me a call to get your password (and training, if desired/needed).

Also, let me know if you were not listed and would like a login (Chelsea, I wasn’t sure if you or Ben was the “historian” in your family)…

Mom has her own category for her China trip, and Dad should probably have one for his adventures as well.

The latest posts will always show up at the top of